
Construction Expertise
Construction knowledge isn’t something you acquire overnight. At every location, our staff is steeped in it. With real life experience on the job site, the know-how that comes from researching products, understanding their application, and staying up on the latest advancements in products and techniques, we use our expertise to provide you with solutions.
Driven to solve problems
Knowledge comes from many places. GMS companies take full of advantage of every source. Hours on the job site perfecting one’s craft gives insight into techniques, tools, products and codes that’s tough to get without putting in the work. Years studying construction science and its application, accounting and bookkeeping, business administration, human resources and customer service adds to the practical advanced knowledge we bring to each aspect of our service business.
GMS companies attract seasoned industry professionals whose passion is solving problems for contractors and builders. That’s just one reason why doing business with us is a better experience.
Sourcing prowess
Our people are product-solvers. We empower sales staff to source products that solve climate, condition, usage, aesthetics, budget and schedule problems. They know the right product can make all the difference. So they’ll leverage stock from other GMS yards when needed, and source specialty products for specific needs.
Understanding the trends
At GMS, our sales staff maintains a close relationship with manufacturers and their product plans. They advise customers when new products are in the warehouse, in the showroom or coming soon. They research new techniques and new tools so they can bring you the best and latest.
Put our expertise to work for you
It’s easy to get in touch with us. We’re your neighbors, and we’re here to help. Give us a call, drop by, or send us an email and let’s talk.